Slow down in time

It’s crazy how the smallest thing can change your rhythm. Last night I picked up my old camera again and went to De Nekker domain for the first time, at sunset, and captured the scenery. The colours were impressive, as was the sound of all the birds quacking, chirping whilst flying over, quarreling in the pond or saying goodnight.

I realised the camera was slowing me down, in a good way, because we are creatures of habit. The difference between my old, Canon 5D MKIII, and my new, Canon R6 is the sound the shutter makes, the live view on the latter and the light sensitivity. And the buttons. For a moment, I felt like a toddler swiping a paper newspaper.

I put the 5D back in the bag after I tried to sell it online for a moment, but as soon an interested buyer popped up in the messages, I immediately felt I was not ready to say my goodbyes. So here I am learning to make good use of it again and work together to capture our vision.

I have put some consideration in the colouring and the layering of the selected images below. The birds in the pond, in the sky and just the one making a low fly-over. These kind of water plants always make me happy. They remind me of the romantic scene in The Little Mermaid, can you imagine? The seagull on the platform has come comical element to it. The platform in itself is impressive to see in the water and I wonder what is there in the middle.

Julie Landrieu

What if each photograph is a step towards a healthier, happier life? Photographer of kind souls.

Vernissage: resonating metal and juxtaposing lines